Calculated Change: Simplifying Clinical Decision-Making for the Heparin Calculator
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
Location Name
Atrium Health

Discover methods to enhance your facility's adoption and compliance with the heparin calculator! Gain valuable insight into unique build techniques and change management strategies that garner support and promote widespread acceptance and safer administration of heparin. Outcomes include an innovative build strategy that improved acceptance and understanding of the heparin calculator among clinicians and increased compliance with the heparin calculator. This is seen in a 37% reduction in the heparin calculator BPA and a decrease in the override action from 70% to 24%. Outcomes were measured through the analysis of BPA actions and overrides using SlicerDicer. Overall, the strategies applied improved RN workflow and the safe administration of Heparin medication.