Epic Tips & Usability with a Neurodivergent Perspective
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
Location Name
Guilford C
UNC Health

15-20 % of the population is estimated to be neurodivergent, and these numbers only reflect actual diagnoses. Most technological accessibility work has focused on patients. EHRs like Epic are ubiquitous in healthcare for all humans interacting with the US system. Therefore, it is vital our EMRs incorporate universal design principals for the healthcare professional as well as for the patient and family users. Neurodivergent conditions are complex and involve both neurological and developmental factors. ND in professionals is often overlooked until a conflict arises. Many common designs in EHRs contribute to challenges and stressors to ND users. Designing Epic and the healthcare environments to emphasize the strength ND brains improves ND users’ experiences and performance. Studies also demonstrate universal design improves the experience for all users in other fields. In this seminar we will review common themes in Epic which impact ND end users. We will review Epic user tips which may benefit these users, learn on-line resources for ND medical professionals and how we can look at our Epic builds with a more universal design lens.